
Monday, April 23, 2012

this week in science #11

     This week in science I did a lot of hands on activities. The first thing we did , was post sticky notes on chart paper with comments, questions, and pictures about the topic on the chart paper. The next thing we did was go to the park to collect supplies for our ecosystem's. I collected flowers, twigs , and rocks. the last thing i did this week was draw a diagram of the ecosystem.  I used a lot of color and used a key so people could understand the picture.

     This week in science I learned of a lot of interesting things to. The carbon cycle was the topic people knew least about in class. The water cycle had the most illustration's. I also learned that its a good idea to draw your ecosystem first, than to make it. you should also add color to it and make it top notch so when you do your ecosystem , it comes out excellent. Last , I learned about what Zayra and Corine did this week. They learned about ecosystems in New York and about the spiders we are going to use in our environment's.